Past Events
Dementia Friendly Music Making Session by Resonate Art featuring musicians from Witmore Hall, 3rd October.
🌟 Exciting News! 🌟
Pepper Pot Centre Operation Manager attended Global’s Make Some Noise Charity Partners Learning Day this week, joining 63 other amazing charities from across the country. The event was packed with valuable insights on engaging with commercial businesses, running successful social media campaigns, crafting business strategies, and navigating the giving market.
A huge thank you to GMSN for this incredible opportunity! 🙌
# globals_make_some_noise #/globalsmakesomenoise
Social Media
Linked-in: globals-makesomenoise
Instagram: /globals_make_some_noise
Facebook: /globalsmakesomenoise
X: @makenoise #makesomenoise
Birthday celebration for members born in June, July and August
Pepper Pot Centre Christmas party 2023
Pepper Pot members enjoy a joint Bush Tea and Cake party with the United Angelo Caribbean Society (UACS). A fabulous Caribbean lunch with a choice of herbal bush teas, topped off with Christmas carols.

The newly refurbished PPC Hairdressing salon
Pepperpot Centre Hairdressing Salon has just been opened. In the photo we see two members having their hair washed, cut and braided...Contact Reception at PPC to make an appointment.

Lions Club Senior Citizens party
Members of the Pepperpot Centre joined over 700 elderly people at Lions Club annual Senior Citizens party, held at the Harrow Leisure Centre. It was a fun day out and the members who attended really enjoyed the event dancing to the music of Abba and more...

HSBC Bank managers visit Pepperpot
Leanne Hansberry branch manager from Kensington High Street and Gurneet Sahney, service manager from the Kilburn branch joined members at their regular Tuesday bingo afternoon. The bank donated some of the prizes and their staff have volunteered to help the Centre deliver some of its services and activities....

Nottinghill Prep raises sponsorship money for PPC.
Pupils from the Notting hill prep raised 2,047.50 for the Pepperpot centre from a charity walk around the Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. In the photo Mrs. Knollys the Head teacher and two pupils Violet Wogman and Charlie Johnson presented the sponsorship cheque to Zenawi and a group of PPC members. The PPC would like to thank the School for its kind generosity.

Pepper Pot members attended Valentine's Day party
Members from the Pepperpot Centre celebrated Valentine's Day by attending a Valentine Concert and afternoon tea organised by the Kensington and Chelsea Age UK. Members expressed their enjoyment of the performances by Holland Park opera and special guests. Each member received a red rose on arrival and had a wonderful tea. It was an exhilarating afternoon for all those who attended....

Reminiscing workshop
The museum of Brands have been running reminiscing work shop on the first Friday of the month at the Pepper Pot centre since June 2019.
Members get the opportunity to see and hold objects from the Museum of Brands which includes replicas of Typhoo tea packets from the 1950’s, war time books and kitkats from the 1950’s,
various soaps and washing powder from that era. They create art, design their own products, or listen to old music with the team. The reminiscence sessions have proved to be very successful in that members are given the opportunity to interact while learning about the history of everyday items, share stories about their life and get to know the stories of others.

On Saturday May Butler celebrated her 100th birthday with her friends and family at the Pepperpot Centre in Ladbroke Grove.
May was born in Jamaica in the Parish of St Mary on 1st of February 1920, one of four siblings. May moved to Kingston in her 20’s where she trained as a hairdresser and met her husband Rudolph (Ruddy) Butler. In 1957 the happy couple immigrated to England and settled in West London. Life in the 50's was very challenging in England adapting to the weather and a different culture but May responded to the challenges with optimism and purpose.
Like many of her peers May found employment at Lyons Company and she spent the last 25 years of her working life with British Rail. In addition she is an active member of her local All Saints church in the heart of Ladbroke Grove
For the last 20 years May has been attending the Pepperpot Centre regularly, where she happily enjoys her well-earned retirement amongst her many friends.
When asked what keeps you going she replied..."Always be Kind and appreciate life and keep smiling”
May Butler 100th Birthday Celebration

Deputy Leader of RBKC visits Pepper Pot
Today The Pepper Pot Centre hosted a visit from Councillor Kim Taylor-Smith the Deputy Leader of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea responsible for Grenfell Tower and housing. Kim mingled comfortably amongst our members who really enjoyed his company and were so pleased that he took time out from his busy schedule to come for a Caribbean lunch. Of the visit Kim said" A brilliant place and enjoyable visit- Thank you all."

Visit to Royal Albert Hall
Pepperpot Centre members joined award-winning classical dance soloist, Bollywood choreographer-actor and musicologist Menaka PP Bora for an evening of conversation, dance and music in the Elgar Room. As part of the evening Menaka was joined in conversation by legendary British television broadcaster Alan Yentob, the former Creative Director of BBC and editor/presenter of the acclaimed BBC One series Imagine.
Menaka’s debut performance in the Elgar Room included freshly choreographed pieces from classical and experimental South Asian dance and music, including the rare 16th century Indian classical Sattriya dance of Assam. She was also joined by renowned guest musicians and musicologists Prof. John Baily and Sulaiman Haqpana for the live performance.

HSBC staff volunteering at the Pepper Pot Centre Christmas party
At the Pepper Pot Centre Christmas Party Sharon Hoare HSBC Bank North London area Director and seven of her local managers acted as volunteers helping to support the delivery of a wonderful Christmas surprise for our members and guests.

Christmas surprise from Tesco
Just before Christmas members of the Pepper Pot Centre received a great surprise. Staff from the Ladbrook Grove Tesco provided these wonderful gifts that will help our members enjoy the Christmas celebrations.

Yoga class

Members of the Pepper Pot Centre enjoying their weekly chair yoga class. As Doreen said " I rely look forward to th class, its the only chance I get during the week to get some exercise that is planned. I never miss this class".

Nathan 90th Birthday Celebration
Nathan Gordon celebrating his 90th Birthday with his friends at the pepper Pot Centre. This long time member attends the centre every day and is an avid domino player.

May Butler award
A Pepper Pot Centre member May Butler who will be 100 in February 2020 receives an award from the Mayor of Kensington and Chelsea Councillor Will Pascall andCouncillor Sarah Addenbrooke

Happy Pepper Pot Centre Staff
Pepper Pot Centre staff who provide a great service for our members enjoying our annual Christmas party. Some of the staff have worked for the centre for more than 10 years.

Chair exercise
The Pepper Pot Centre is working in conjunction with Open Age to provide a Chair Exercise class every Monday 11:30-12:30at the centre. The tutor said " The class provides members with the opportunity to develop strength, flexibility, mobility and exercise to music. " Come and join us every Monday.

Pepper Pot Christmas party
Early festive cheer was brought to a group of members of the Pepper Pot Centre, their friends and guests on Thursday 5 December at their annual Christmas party.
The Pepper Pot Centre staff hosted the party and Lenny Ranks, Super Classic A1 and the Ebony Steel Band provided some wonderful music. The Pepper Pot staff and volunteers, eight of whom came from the High Street Kensington HSBC branch served the food, making sure everyone had a good time and plenty to eat.
As one visitor said “This afternoon was a special time for all those who attended and it was very rewarding to see so many elderly people looking so happy”
During the afternoon seven Pepper Pot members over the age of 90 received presents and one lady, May Butler whas 99. In addition the raffle supported by donations from our visiting Ambassadors raised a record £205.00 in less than two hours.
We would like to thank all our guests for joining us to celebrate the season’s festivities, this include the Mayor, Cllr Will Pascall and the Mayoress, Cllr Sarah Addenbrooke, Emma Dent Cord MP, Prof Ian Hall (Patron). We also had representative from RBKC Adult Social Care, Westway Trust, St Helen’s Church, Age UK, Notting Hill Methodist Trust, Lion Club, Local CAB, NHS, Fareshare, Kensington Temple, Embassies of Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Jamaica, St Vincent & The Grenadines and Local Counsellors.
If you know anyone over 55 who would benefit from joining the Pepper Pot Centre or would like to volunteer, email reception at call on 020 8968 6940.

Pepper Pot web training day
Donika Krasteva the website development trainer putting Pepper Pot centre staff and volunteers trough their lesson on a Saturday training day at the centre. On the day the staff learned how to build a simple website with text and photos. In the future the centre wants to run more training for elderly people and children attending local Primary schools.

Pepper Pot Celebrates Black History Month
The Pepper Pot Centre organised a number of events to celebrate Black History month, including a performance by members of EBONY Steel band

Diane Abbott MP visits Pepper Pot Centre
Diane Abbott MP, The Shadow Home Secretary and Emma Dent Coad the MP for Kensington Chelsea council visit Pepper Pot centre for lunch. The visit provided members with a great opportunity to ask these labour politicians about issues that concerned them like the NHS, inheritance tax etc. Diane Abbott was very impressed with the work of the centre and promised to come again after the election.